Crystal Reports Error: “A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array.” [Field Notes]

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A long-standing Crystal Report (being run out of SAP Business Objects XI v12) suddenly started generating an error along the lines of:

Error in File [File Name]: Error in formula [Formula Name]: 'left(split({[Field Name]},"/")[2],3)'

A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array.

Details: errorKind

(The bracketed values were specific to the report itself)


In this case, the formula is looking for a / to split the string. On a hunch, I decided to query the database, and sure enough, some of the fields in the database had been modified and no long included a /, causing the formula to bomb out.

Two solutions here:

  • If the / is a business requirement and is supposed to be there, modify the data.
  • Otherwise, modify the formula to include branching logic that takes other steps if a / is not detected.


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