Adding Spell Checking to my Blog’s Build Process with GitHub Actions and cSpell

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I’m always worried I’ll have a typo in my blog posts, and I suspected I had a few lying around in these pages. I don’t like that, so I decided to fix it and automate it.

The solution involves:

  • The great cSpell tool
  • A VS Code Extension, Code Spell Checker, that gives me cSpell-based checking within the IDE
  • A config file to allow for ignoring some words/patterns or adding words to a dictionary
  • A GitHub Action to run as part of my pull requests

Installing the Code Spell Checker Extension

In the extensions window, search for Code Spell Checker and install it (extension ID: streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker)

Now, you’ll start getting feedback on what needs fixing when you have a file open. It’s really helpful.

Create a Config File

  • Add a cSpell.json file to the root of your repository to capture words to add to the dictionary. My example cSpell file can be found here

Run As Part of a Build

We’ll utilize GitHub actions for this.

  • Create a GitHub Action workflow by creating a file in your repo at .github/workflows/housekeeping.yml (.github is a folder in this case.)

Add the following, changing the values as they suit you:

name: Housekeeping

      - main # Modify if you use a different main branch name, such as the legacy "master" name.
      - main # Modify if you use a different main branch name, such as the legacy "master" name.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        name: Check out the code
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        name: Run spell check
          node-version: "12"
      - run: npm install -g cspell
      - run: cspell --config ./cSpell.json "**/*.md"

What’s is this GitHub Action file doing?

  • It runs on any main branch commit or any PR against my main branch
  • It runs the GitHub action on an Ubuntu instance
  • It checks out all my code for the blog, which includes all the markdown files
  • It pulls a Docker container that is published to Docker Hub, which has been set up by someone else to set up Node (thanks, people who care about OSS!)
  • It runs a command to install cSpell globally within the container
  • It runs cSpell in the container on all my markdown files, using my config file. When it finds an error, it returns a non-zero exit code, which fails the build.

Once I committed this file to a PR, I saw the checking begin.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

The first time I enabled this with a PR, I got a lot of failures, as one might expect. I kept making small commits over time and eventually I got there. I ran cspell --config ./cSpell.json "**/*.md" from my terminal as I went and kept making changes until the issues dropped to zero.


Now, I get local spell-check support within VS Code and build time support via GitHub Actions. For free! 1.

Happy spelling!

  1. By free, I mean thanks to someone else’s very hard work that they are often under-compensated and under-supported for. Go look into contributing to open source projects, or consider donating to an author or group that has enabled you to work better. 

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