About SeanKilleen.com
See a typo? Come across an issue? You can create an issue report or even better, fork this repository, fix the issue yourself, and submit it as a pull request.
Check out the Credits Page!
For a list of all the folks who’ve helped via pull requests, check out the credits page!
This Site Runs On:
- Dunkin (in all seriousness, there is probably some considerable caffeine to blame for this).
- The Jekyll markdown blogging platform (which is run on Ruby)
- The jekyll-sitemap gem
- The octopress gem
- The jekyll-redirect-from gem (saved my butt when trying to redirect my old Blogger pages).
- All of this is hosted (for free!) On Github pages, because they’re awesome.
- The Minimal Mistakes theme (which I tweaked a bit).
- Comments are done via Giscus, so they’re hosted via GitHub Discussions.
Thanks to all of these things, I can host this small chunk of my brain on the internet.