[Field Notes] Troubleshooting .NET OpenTelemetry SDK: Why Can’t I see My App’s Metrics?
This is a quick appreciation post.
More delight in a personal process.
I’ve spoken about this in fragments online and eluded to it in other blog posts, so I figured I’d spell it out here.
According to some research that was announced in November, “Ghost developers” are 0.1x1 devs who barely do any work, and may have multiple jobs. Apparently i...
I recently revised an incorrect mental model I had about Kubernetes as part of a strange experience, and I figured I’d share here in case it helps someone el...
Ed. Note: This is a personal post. Comments aren’t on, for a reason.
No dependency left behind.
In many organizations, natural communication pathways start to form. Something happens or information needs to be sent out or a decision needs to be made, an...
Microsoft was kind enough to feature me in a Microsoft Learn Contributor Story!
In most cases, containerized .NET apps run just fine “out of the box”. IDEs such as Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider provide a helpful experience called “Fa...
There are a lot of different ways to test logging, and quite a few opinions about how to do so. I recently found what feels like a very pleasant approach for...
I know some folks who would like to move to GitHub Actions from Azure DevOps, but would really miss the “Test View” that Azure DevOps provides. Let’s see if ...
…if I may be so bold as to offer those.
I got a surprising amount of positive feedback on a job description I wrote recently, both internally and from candidates. So, I figured I’d write up my proc...
How I committed to making meetings better.
We currently use docfx to publish the NUnit docs, because it has a lovely capability of generating docs for our API reference in addition to all our articles.
Just a quick announcement: I built https://1on1.help as a tiny tool to help source questions & topics for one on one meetings.
Taking stock.
Happy paths compound over time.
As I prepare to onboard two new developers today (exciting!), part of the conversation will inevitably be around orienting them to my current philosophy of d...
I recently just powered through a bunch of applications for some roles I had open. As a hiring manager, I want to mention some simple things that can set you...
My employer, SCT Software, is a small company of around 50 people. We needed to hire 2 developers, and we wanted to do it all in-house. Beyond the economics ...
I’ve long been a fan of The Phoenix Project, and grateful for the ways its introduced so many to DevOps culture and practices. One of my favorite personal “a...
We recently got back from a big trip, and that reminded me I’ve been meaning to publish a tip on how Trello has saved me a lot of time and hassle around trav...
I’m very happy to announce that starting today, I’m joining SCT Software as VP of Innovation & Products!
I often do a lot of code reviews and pull request reviews. As a follow-up to my article on submitting pull requests, I wanted to talk about how I review them...
Let they who are without OSS sin cast the first stone. Let’s look inward on OSS sustainability issues.
I’ve been asked a lot of times about my process for submitting pull requests, so I figured I’d write it up!
Came across this and wasn’t aware of it (though it makes total sense in retrospect), so I figured I’d pass the tip along.
Scratching a development itch to make Terraform provider upgrades easier.
Systematizing OSS contributions, and steps for you to jump in.
Analyzing Reactions, and providing a little of my own.
The results are in. Where do we go from here?
Learning what maintainers need most, so we can take action.
An exploration of TDD in the spirit of the season.
Solving our C# Advent 2021 challenge using the xUnit framework.
Solving our C# Advent 2021 challenge using the NUnit framework.
A little AutoHotkey goes a long way.
Google Sheets is a phenomenal tool for group collaboration, but occasionally I wish it could do a little bit more. Recently, I had 400+ links with their ful...
Some GitHub repositories have GitHub Actions with helpful automation. Because actions are stored in the .github folder within a codebase, they come over alon...
A little over a year ago, we re-launched the NUnit docs site using the docfx project. Since then, we’ve built out the workflow a bit – adding spell-checking,...
Recently I worked on a project that involved working with Azure Active Directory B2C. As part of the Azure AD set up, we had created some extension propertie...
I was working on a project that deployed its UI, an Angular site, to an S3 bucket that was then placed behind CloudFront.
Occasionally, you may need to compare objects in an automated test. Perhaps you have a complex sort of comparison that you’d like to check, or adding the com...
I’d received more than a few questions about the naming and differences between .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET 5, Mono, Xamarin, etc.
Ran across an issue I had to fix where a .NET 5 application, which happened to be running in a Docker container (this ended up being irrelevant), couldn’t st...
I’m always worried I’ll have a typo in my blog posts, and I suspected I had a few lying around in these pages. I don’t like that, so I decided to fix it and ...
A fun git challenge! I had to make a request against a remote repository in git. The only issue is that only a shared GitHub account had access, not my own a...
I’ll confess, reader. My markdown formatting was messy. I don’t like messy, so I decided to fix it and automate it.
Metatogger is my favorite .NET app of the week after it helped me recover my Mother-in-Law’s MP3 collection. I figured I’d talk a little bit about how I used...
I was recently working with the excellent Octokit.NET library for working with GitHub, and like many developers, I needed to write a test.
A Chrome flag does the trick.
Received a really good question recently and I thought I’d post the result here.
A little while back, as part of a client assignment, I ran some remote one-on-one DevOps coaching sessions for a group of about 30 people. This was newer ter...
I can’t believe I hadn’t come across this yet! Posting in case you can benefit from it, too.
While porting the NUnit docs to a new, modern web site I had a great opportunity – to actually read a ton of the docs!
I believe in scripting and automation, and I have come to love PowerShell for its eloquence, especially in a Windows environment.
It can seem daunting, but there are some ways in.
I run an ongoing AMA (ask me anything) on GitHub where folks can drop questions. Give it a try! Occasionally I’ll post topics here that I think a wider audie...
It’s risky, and you need to know what you’re doing.
An OSS journey with a fun result.
Inspired by Immo Landwerth’s tweet:
The steps weren’t entirely obvious to me so I thought I’d write about it here for others who are newer to that ecosystem.
I run an ongoing AMA (ask me anything) on GitHub where folks can drop questions. Give it a try! Occasionally I’ll post topics here that I think a wider audie...
Ran into this this issue while hacking on a problem with my Dad, Jim Killeen. (Side note: looking at tech stuff with my Dad remains one of my great joys in l...
I recently completed some work for a client. The work had been done within my company’s Azure org, but I wanted to ensure the client had full control of thei...
I’ve hit this problem several times and only recently figured it out.
There’s been some discussion lately about the term master for a branch as insensitive and a term that can make others feel uncomfortable and rise to the leve...
Updated: This post has some updates to include responses from Claire, which were helpful and clarifying in several instances below.
I’ve been starting to stream on Twitch.
I was working on a livestream recently when I ran into an issue attempting to push a docker container to a private registry in Azure DevOps.
Automated code signing for fun and (hopefully someday) profit.
Logitech is probably my favorite peripheral maker of all time. Recently I remembered that I had a T650 touchpad that I hadn’t used in a long time and I decid...
I was recently asked how to create a PowerShell command alias that accepts parameters.
I recently got a new laptop (which is incredible! and which I’ll do another post on shortly.) Shout-out to my employer, Excella, who picks up 80% of the cost...
I wanted to write up these steps as I took the time to get my blog up and running on my new laptop, in case it helps someone else get started. Today, we’ll ...
I’ve seen organizations make some …interesting decisions around the concept of “blue/green deployments.” In some cases, these changes can lead to some pretty...
Prior to running some tests on a .NET web application, we wanted to send a request to the environment to “warm it up” – so that the initial start of the appl...
A colleague wanted to surface their jasmine tests in a TeamCity build system. Wanted to document the steps I used to help them solve their problem. Setting ...
We have an OctopusDeploy deployment that deploys our code to an automated acceptance test environment. And we have a TeamCity build that executes our automat...
I have a Jekyll-based blog that is deployed via GitHub Pages. Because Jekyll is a static site generator, you can’t release future posts unless you trigger a ...
Are you someone who has a hand in crafting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for your company? This article is for you, and is based off of some things I’ve seen...
Challenge I was on a project for a web application that used Windows Active Directory authentication for internal users. We had some automated acceptance t...
This post is part of a series I’m writing on better technical interviews. I’d love your feedback in the comments!
This post is part of a series I’m writing on better technical interviews. I’d love your feedback in the comments! Part 1 - What’s the Point? Part 2 - P...
I thought someone might find this quick tip useful, so I’m writing it up.
This post is part of a series I’m writing on better technical interviews. I’d love your feedback in the comments!
This post is part of a series I’m writing on better technical interviews. I’d love your feedback in the comments!
This post is part of a series I’m writing on better technical interviews. I’d love your feedback in the comments! Part 1 - What’s the Point? Part 2 - P...
I recently connected with someone on Twitter who had some questions about architecture for a personal setup in the cloud. I thought the challenge was interes...
With the news that Dependabot has been acquired by GitHub, I thought it was a good time to explain what a phenomenal help I find this tool to be, and how you...
I’m considering a series called “Agile Survival Guide”, designed to muse on / attempt to tackle some common things I’ve seen happen on projects that are atte...
My wife and I recently took our honeymoon a year and a half after we got married. It was the longest vacation I’ve ever taken, and probably the first one I c...
I recently had a colleague ask me about how to describe the difference between an great software architect and a mediocre one, or how to deal with “ivory tow...
The .NET Foundation Board elections recently took place, and I was the last one eliminated, one of my proudest accomplishments to date (the link, unfortunate...
This came up in a conversation and I realized my methods might be helpful for someone. I figured I can write it up with step-by-steps here.
I recently created ’unanet-summarizer’, a small utility to give my colleagues some additional summary information on their time sheets. It got a little more ...
I’m excited to announce my candidacy for the .NET Foundation’s Board of Directors!
I’ve been a fan of RSS feeds for a long time. I love curating a collection of knowledge that streams to me at my pace, and I consider feeds to be a fundament...
A quick update: you can now find an OPML export of all of the dev/tech feeds I read at https://SeanKilleen.com/reading-list.
I have a client where we use Zoom meetings which require dialing and then extra digits. We use these meetings all the time.
This blog, as it turns out, has been around for a little bit. The UI was feeling its age, and I thought: what better time to update things than...
FYI, there are some changes coming that may impact this blog’s RSS feeds.
I’ve had this quick tip sitting around for a while in my drafts, and figured I really need to publish more of these things, so here it is.
I was reviewing my year recently, and one of the biggest parts of that is looking back at my “accomplishments / good stuff” list for the year. I’ve been in t...
I had this drafted for a while as notes I’d sent to a colleague, and I figured I would write it up here.
I had this drafted for a while as notes I’d sent to someone who is faced with imposter syndrome and not sure they have something to add, and I figured I woul...
I liked doing this recap last year, so I figured I’d make it a tradition. :) 2018, like most years, held a lot, so I’m trying to jot some of it down here.
The Goal / Problem
I’ve been digging into Azure Functions lately and it’s pretty great. I hit a small stumbling block so figured I’d document it here in case anyone else had th...
File this under VS Code Can do That?!
I have the the good fortune to take some interesting business trips occasionally. However, there are few business trip feelings worse than being mid-flight a...
What a year, what a year! So much was packed into 2017 that for the first time I felt like a recap post actually makes sense, if only so I can keep it all st...
I recently attended the .NET Fringe 2017 conference in Portland, OR – in fact, I’m on the plane back now as I write this.
I’m very excited to release a talk that has been percolating in my head for a bit. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share this with the world via the .NET...
Github Pages has become a great place to host content on the web. You can host HTML and JavaScript files there and even map them to domain names for free. As...
Figured I’d write a quick post here to announce the new Toolbox section on SeanKilleen.com!
I woke up this morning and saw a great blog post by Arialdo Martini that inspired me to blog a little bit (thanks, Arialdo!)
As of a few hours ago, this site runs on https by default and likely pretty darn fast. That’s all thanks to CloudFlare, and to my brother Ryan, who showed me...
In a few days, I’ll be lucky enough to attend the dotNetFringe conference in Portland, OR. While there are about a million reasons I’m excited about the conf...
Update: I’ve purchased http://AWider.NET (empty right now) to take this project further. I’ve created a GitHub repository and I hope you’ll join me for some ...
A brief update: To keep this conversation going, I authored an additional post: How (and Why) to Lobby Companies to Support .NET OSS
I’m fortunate enough to be starting my first position soon as a software team lead. I’m very excited – and a small bit terrified.
On this blog, I often use screenshots to illustrate tutorials. This leads to long blog posts and I never feel like the full context is there because they’re ...
I really appreciate conditional formatting in Excel. It’s a great way to highlight critical pieces of information, provide quick visual distinctions, etc.
I was recently asked to explain1 my preference for xUnit over something like MSTest. To my surprise, while I felt very strongly – and have for some time – I ...
Mocks are invaluable to the art of testing. For those who are unfamiliar, mocks are essentially a way to fake a component and have it do exactly what you wan...
Happy June, readers! I recently helped design a AlliesForACure.com, a web site for a charity contest (Ed. note: unfortunately the link has been lost to time)...
I recently had lunch with the owner of a company I’d moved on from. Besides being a general catch up, it served as a sort of check-in/reflection point on con...
I’ve been doing some thinking lately on policies surrounding outside work for employees and companies.
When joining a WebEx conference, it’s nice to have an e-mail address be optional – easier from a user experience perspective.
Corporate e-mail signatures are normally those oft-mandated extra bits appended to the end of our e-mails. Whether you’re an employee with full control over ...
Sometimes you may have a need to treat a column of data in an Excel table as a list – for example, to use the contents of that list as a drop-down somewhere ...
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Intel RST Community Forum is a tough club to get into!
With all my bellyaching about Backblaze lately, it only stands to reason that I should pick a better system.
Folks involved in systems administration may likely be familiar with the adage that ‘Backups always work; it’s the restores that fail.’
So it’s been a long day and night rebuilding a system from scratch (Motherboard issue + Hubris + Bad decisions). But on this go ‘round, I decided to install ...
Every once in a while I’ll Google for something relatively straightforward to see if there’s a better way to do it.
This one’s mostly for my quick personal reference. It wasn’t hard by any means but figured someone else might find it useful.
Summary: I thought this device would be inconsequential, but it makes a world of difference. The T650 is a top-notch device so far, and between the great exp...
When you don’t have code coverage for a number of tests in a class:
Since my new gig has me diving into Javascript quite a bit, I’ve really been loving JSHint integration (brought to us lovingly by Mads Kristensen and the tea...
Just signed up for the Jitbit Helpdesk support site so that I could report an issue with their product.
Ran into this today; thought I’d document it for others.
I have a little time to kill this holiday weekend and wanted to try something fun (at least before it gets warm enough to go outside for the rest of the day)...
Update: As promised, I’m updating this to include Tom Junod’s response. He notes that the profile is available in the Esquire collection of profiles entitle...
I use Google Chrome for a lot of browsing, and I’ve been getting into Delicious for archiving content that I know I might want to find again but don’t want h...
“Who am I in the midst of all this thought traffic?” -Rumi
I know this comes as a shock to nobody, but MD’s don’t-call-it-the-DMV “Motor Vehicle Association” isn’t the easiest to get around.
Using Visual 2012 and IIS Express, when building an MVC4 Intranet project, I get an ‘Access Denied’ screen on every page.
OK, technically second-hand; this story comes to us courtesy of the lovely Caroline.
When Father’s Day rolls around, for me it’s often accompanied by the fact that I’m not sure how to properly honor my Dad. I’m lucky enough to still have him ...
(Cross-posted on the Eidos Facebook page. I really hope they get themselves together over there.)
This is mostly a reference post for me, but I figured somebody else might find it useful.
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
This is a quick post for my reference. Let me know if details would be helpful and I’ll be happy to turn it into more of a tutorial style.
Subject says it all.
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this before. There’s a neat tool that ships with Windows 7 called the “Problem Steps Recorder” tool (psr.exe)
A quick note for myself an anyone else who might be interested:
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
I am currently running the following setup on my beast of a desktop:
Ed. Note: I wrote this when I was quite annoyed, and unfortunately I left out the larger context that this is actually one of the best checking accounts I’ve...
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
My desktop PC has 32 GB of RAM. It’s ridiculous in that way, by almost any standard. I assumed that when I hit full usage of memory it would be because my en...
Just a quick tip – one of the things I used to be frustrated with in Outlook was the difficulty to simply send a message to a number of people on an event. S...
I was happy to sign this petition to attempt to have the case of Trayvon Martin’s killer brought before a Florida court.
As part of my job, I have to send a lot of e-mail communications to users. I like them to be as standard and repeatable as possible.
The Problem
Stopped by Giant and picked up:
Discovered an answer to a StackOverflow question I’d posted, and wanted to share.
A new tradition where I keep myself honest by posting the things I buy at the grocery store.
A quick observation: on most social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) you’ll see the option to connect with folks that you know.
Ed. Note: This is a post category I’m trying to start, as a form of public disclosure, listing items I bought at the grocery store, available publicly for yo...
Ed. Note: This is one of those weird public-disclosure blog posts. If you only come here for tech stuff, then move along; nothing to see here. :)
I just thought it up – taken from an e-mail response I just wrote to Al Franken:
(Ed. note: I’m very much aware that this is not a big deal. Just having some fun with observations.)
I recently created an account at Yanko Design (they have some neat stuff I wanted to further explore).
And this barely begins to cover it. There’s a lot beyond this, too.
UPDATE: This is entirely my fault. I leave the text below only as a reference and to shame myself. The issue is that UPS sent me an e-mail at 12:07 saying a ...
This is part of a larger series in building a proper build process. For more information and additional series links, check out the introductory post.
[Ed. Note: For the record, I discovered this by accident, and don’t particularly intend to use it unless absolutely necessary.]
A brief anecdote:
Just found myself doing this again on the new setup; figured it might be worth posting.
Technology Involved
For starters, in CR 2008, you can’t create two separate groups of data in one report (for example, all labor for a work order and then all materials for a wo...
Recently, I decided to invest in something that would meet two very important criteria – something that would help me advance my career and knowledge, and al...
I recently ran into an issue where constructing a SQL query took me much longer than I would have liked. While my need to dust off some cobwebs and my lack o...
For anyone who has had an issue with a GMail 707 error in the browser recently, a potentially useful tip via Brad Feld over at FeldThoughts:
Dressed up nicely today for a big meeting with the head of our division at work.
The excellent folks over at Lifehacker have a tip that seemingly works to resolve iPhone 4S and iOS 5 battery level issues.
I recently started a new job at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, MD. It’s a great gig so far, but one of the pain points I hadn’t expe...
In Windows 7, using Robocopy with the /B or /ZB switches I see the error ‘You do not have the Backup and Restore Files user rights’.
End of an era.
I’m a lucky guy, and I’ve had by all standards a great and fantastic 25 years so far. I’ve got most things I could want in life, and everything I need.
I recently re-installed Windows 7 x64 on my laptop due to purchasing an SSD. I expected fantastic speed & performance, more productivity, etc.
I’ll try to keep this post brief or see if I can sketch it out in bullet-points.
My Company is currently in the process of moving a good deal of our documents over to the Google Docs interface from the various places within our on-line HR...
I wanted to let the world know about some great experiences I’ve had with SunTrust Bank lately. I only have an auto loan through them, but after these intera...
(Updated with some corrections from Mom.)
It appears that the shipped version of Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 (at least the server version) comes with repository server URLs that are incorrect – or at least...
Looking over a post I recently made about restricting IP access with Tomcat server, I noticed the following banner ad (highlighting is mine):
I received this e-mail from a campaign that I’m somehow subscribed to:
This one’s not exactly under-documented, but I wanted to post here as a reference and in the hopes that someone else might have to not dig around.
After trashing Apple and making a long-anticipated switch to Android, two weeks later I was back on an iPhone 4. Why was my Android honeymoon so short-lived ...
I was featured on the Charity: Water blog!
[Note: I should begin this post by saying that I’m no expert on SSL or TLS encryption or the “handshakes” and negotiations that browsers and servers go throu...
Hello, everyone! Since redirecting the SeanKilleen.com domain name to WordPress, I’ve been trying to invest more time into revamping the look and content of ...